Dakumar Machinery is a leading plastictwo component injection machinemanufacturer in China. We can offer you high quality two shot injection machine, double color injection machine, bi-shot plastic injection machine China.
We can offer you both clear two components and mixed two component injection machines. For clear two component machine, we can offer two types.
The first type is traditional double color injection machine. There are two parallel screw and barrel. The machine platen will rotate for 180°after 1st injection molding. The second type is L angel double Two Component Injection Machine. This kind of dual color injection machine consists of one main common injection machine and an additional injection unit at side. The mould will rotate for rotate for 180°after 1st injection molding. Both of these two types of two components are suitable to injection molding for two colors or two materials. But the second type injection machine is more flexible and less expensive.
The L angel double Two Component Injection Machine can be used both as common one component injection machine and two component machine. This is new injection machine developed by Dakumar Machinery. If you have any interest, please feel free to contact me.

Tag: Double Color injection machineTwo shot injection machinebi-shot plastic injection machine China