How to find plastics machinery suppliers? By internet? by exhibition or by consultant? There are many way to find plastics machinery suppliers.When you want to find plastics machinery suppliers in China, the better way to contact by email and really visit to the factory.
In China, there are many plastics machinery suppliers, so it is not easy for the buyer to find good plastics machinery suppliers, here are some tips to judge what is good plastics machinery suppliers.
1. Check its website first. A professional plastics machinery supplier, he know how to attract the attention for the potential buyer. From his website, you will have general expression on the company.
2. Contact the sales. A professional plastics machinery supplier, the sales is also an engineer, he know better about the plastics machinery, and can suggest the suitable size of machine according to their products and they budget.
3. Have real visit. A good plastics machinery supplier, they must do as they said. A real visit can show a lot of things. Like the facilities, QC controlling system, employee, Annual output value, main export area, Certifications and working experience.
4. Well know their after sales service. As good plastics machinery suppliers, they must know, when the problem happened, find the fast way to solve this problem is the solution, so the good after sales service will take a big rate for getting the case.
After this four steps, you can find good plastics machinery suppliers. If you just have the idea for good machinery suppliers, pls contact me.
Post by Miss Joyce