
Injection Molding Machine


Injection molding machine has three types:vertical injection machine,horizontal injection machine and angle type injection molding machine.Injection molding machine China brand DAKUMAR is a frofessional injection machine manufacturer.

These three types of injection molding machine have their own characteristics,you can choose the right type according to your individual demand.

Vertical injection machine:

1.injection mould device and lock device are in the same vertical center line and open up and down,thus,only cover small area.

2.lower die is fixed and the upper die is moveable,easy to place or move of insertions.

3.simple structure is beneficial to remove and reinstall,suitable for small batch production because of its low cost

4.due to its low gravity,it has good vibrate resistance

Horizontal Injection Machine:

1.the height of machine is low,no limitation for height of workshop

2.production can off automatically without manipulator

3.easy to add material and easy to overhaul because of its low height

4.mould can be installed by crane

Angle Type Injection Molding Machine:

This kind of injection molding machine is suitable for asymmetric mold with side gate.The advantages and disadvantages are between vertical injection machine and horizontal injection machine.

Which injection molding machine are you interested in?Welcome to Dakumar Machinery Co.,Ltd.We areinjection machine manufacturer in China,making effort to offering perfect solution to our customers.

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